Hola. I spent the weekend recovering from my cold, which meant I did not go out with my co-workers. I was disappointed but I think it helped me, as I'm feeling much better today. On Friday night, I watched the Red Sox championship game with Tiff and her boyfriend (we won). I spent all day Saturday on the couch. Watched the second Sox game (we lost). Today I had more energy so I went downtown and walked around for a bit before seeing "Across the Universe" at a theater. It cost $8 for a matinee. The weather was beautiful for walking around downtown: a sunny, brisk autumn day. I took these photos in

Boston Common, the Central Park of Boston. The movie was quite magical - I enjoyed it very much. It's a Beatles musical (all the songs are Beatles' songs and the characters/plot are loosely based on Beatles' lyrics). I have a soft spot for musicals, and, well, obviously the Beatles are awesome. Plus, I met the lead actor, Jim Sturgess, in London last summer. Molly and I spent some time chatting with him and his friends at the bar across from the dorms we were staying in during our study abroad. He told us he had just made the movie and we thought he was lying. Turns out he wasn't.
Tomorrow is another work day... can't believe how fast the weekend went. Happy Birthday, Dad! Thanks for being born. -a/k/s
P.S. I added a few photos from my excursion last weekend to Cambridge/Harvard - scroll down a few entries back.
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