Tuesday, October 23, 2007

I feel like a grown-up

Today was day one of the copywriter's conference I'm attending. The conference is being held right downtown at a fancy hotel, so I had to take the subway into town. It was kind of fun commuting that way, although I actually missed seeing my vanpool friends. I got there pretty early so I walked around for a while before going to the hotel. Downtown had quite a different feel on a Tuesday morning than it has had on the weekends when I'm usually exploring. Instead of confused tourists, there were suits everywhere, walking quickly to their destinations. Ann (my supervisor at EE, who is also attending the conference) and I had lunch in the Common (park), and that was nice, too. It was very windy today. I saw a cardboard house blow away in the park and it made me sad for the homeless person who had been inhabiting it.

After the conference (around 4 p.m.), since I was right there, I decided to go to a movie at the theater. I saw "Darjeeling Limited," which is Wes Anderson's latest. I didn't think it was as good as "The Life Aquatic" or "The Royal Tenenbaums," but it was decent. I left feeling warm and fuzzy, so I can't complain too much. I don't think twice about doing stuff like this by myself anymore. It is kind of empowering. But don't get me wrong - I would love to have some friends here, haha.

Tomorrow I have day two of the conference, then I have to get ready for Philly. The taxi is picking me up at 5 a.m. on Thursday morning. Eek! I probably won't write again until Saturday, so goodbye until then!


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