Monday, October 8, 2007

Christmas Vay-cay

Greetings! I just purchased my flight home for the holidays. I will be in Michigan Sunday, Dec. 23 thru Saturday, Dec. 29. Plan accordingly. :)

So yesterday was quite eventful. It was a day of firsts. For example, it was the first time I:
-Drove to the food co-op. Really easy.
-Drove to Target. Not so easy. I got lost and ended up in downtown Boston. That realization was quite a shock. I had a momentary freak out when I realized I was in Chinatown with no map of Boston. But luckily I paid attention on a recent cab ride home from the same area, and I have a pretty good sense of direction, so I managed to get home. I was determined to get to Target, so I just started over going a different route. This one turned out to be much easier. In the end, it probably took me an hour and a half to get there.
-Went to the laundromat. It was not like the movies. I did not meet the love of my life there. My goal is to only do laundry once a month. I bought some new underwear so hopefully this will help me achieve that goal.

We got a hand-me-down big screen TV (well, compared to our other tiny one) and a hand-me-down table with chairs for our dining room. Our apartment is feeling more complete.

My throat feels a little scratchy. I hope this isn't the beginning of a cold... bring on the green tea and vitamins!

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