I've been thinking about how this is the first time in my life that I am living somewhere for an indefinite amount of time. It's a strange feeling and in some ways, quite surreal. It's also the only time in my life where I have my evenings and weekends almost entirely to myself. I feel like I need to take advantage of this by joining a club or taking a community class ... essentially, do all the things I want to do while I am young and unattached. I have been doing yoga about five times a week for the last three weeks, which has been great. I can already notice a difference in my body and it is a wonderful stress release. I want to keep it up.
I've now been in Boston for a month (yesterday was the official anniversary). It has gone by really fast and yet it feels like I've been here much longer, too. Some things I've learned in my first month:
1. Always carry an iPod and a book. They are necessary for walking to the T, riding the T, riding on the vanpool, etc. Commuting can get boring and it also decreases the chances of people asking you for money.
2. Bostonians LOVE the Red Sox.
3. People in New England think Michigan is in the West.
4. Parallel parking isn't that hard once you get the hang of it.
5. Dunkin' Donuts is the new Starbucks. They are everywhere (one on every block).
6. If you hesitate at all while driving, you will get honked at.
7. Buying alcohol on Sundays can be challenging, especially after 8pm. Until a few years ago, you couldn't buy alcohol at all on Sundays. Blame the Puritans.
8. Driving to another state is like going to another city in Michigan. I've heard people say they were going to New Hampshire for dinner.
9. Alleys are named with numbers, i.e. "Public Alley 324."
10. It isn't unusual to see people dressed in Colonial clothing walking around Boston.
Well, I better go. The Red Sox are on.
A few comments:
1. So true about the Dunkin Donuts, I remember that.
2. You should go to my old town sometime in NH. It's only 45 minutes away, near Manchester, NH. It's called Londonderry. No, you really shouldn't actually, it's not that interesting.
3. I already knew you were an amazing parallel parker because you did it wonderfully in Chicago!
That's all. Miss you.
like i haven't been tellin ya bout the red sox? course remember the tigers last year and the michigan mania?
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