Sunday, January 11, 2009

The 4-1-1 on 2-0-0-9

The first full week back to work was a little tough. Fortunately, we spent one day taking a field trip to the new Equal Exchange cafe in Boston's North End. It was fun to get out of the office (even went for a nice Italian dinner with the marketing department) and see the new cafe. It is pretty cool.

There are so many movies out right now that I want so see. The last two weekends, I saw "Revolutionary Road" and "The Wrestler." Rev Road was intense - a very real look at a suburban couple facing the reality of an empty life. The Wrestler was entertaining and thoughtful. I enjoyed both films in different ways. I still want to see Benjamin Buttons, The Reader, Milk, Slumdog Millionaire... all of which I've heard great things about. Especially Slumdog Millionaire.

Yesterday I went to the dentist after a year and a half, and the dental hygienist scraped the crap out of my teeth (literally). Between that and the deep flossing, it was seriously a bloody mess. I need to floss more!! And so do all of you, probably. But no cavities!

Despite the sore mouth, I went out for a yummy pizza in Harvard Square: roasted butternut squash, caramelized onions, sage and creamy goat cheese

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