I've been delinquent again. My apologies.
Last week I was in Chicago for an event. I was fortunate enough to stay with my best friend, Molly, in her little studio apartment on the north side of Chicago. It was wonderful to spend time with her (she even worked the event with me), but unfortunately, I came down with a cold and wasn't feeling well most of the trip. My parents made the drive to Chicago on Monday (my last full day there), and we were able to spend a few hours shopping/walking around Michigan Ave. It was much too short, but I said goodybe knowing I would see them again soon when I'm home for Christmas.
I had a lovely, lowkey Thanksgiving with Tif, Jess, and a few of Tif's friends/bandmates. We had far too much food, which is good because that means I won't have to go grocery shopping for a week. It all went quite well, except that my finished sweet potatoes went up in flames (not my fault) so that was a bit traumatic.
Now that Thanksgiving has passed, I have officially started my holiday music-listening. I tried to wait until Dec. 1, but just didn't have the strength to hold out until then.
Well, sorry for the short post, but I'm off to babysit. This will be my second time babysitting for this particular family in JP. We got connected on Craig's List - where else?
So, in the spirit of Thanksgiving, thank you for reading this blog and for thinking about me. If I haven't seen you recentlly, I hope to see you very soon.
Love to you and yours,
Happy Thanksgiving to you, Ash. We love reading about your travels and escapades and look forward to seeing you at Christmas. Yeah. (How did the sweet potatoes go up in flames ?????)
Grandma & Grandpa
hey where's our xmas chicago picture?
Haven't been here lately. It's almost Christmas and will see you soon---Really. Looking forward to that and Luke and Rachel
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