Monday, January 14, 2008

snow storm part two

Well, it snowed all night and morning and of course, the city freaked out again. There was a car patrolling the streets at 2 a.m. with a weird siren/alarm and a man yelling into a foghorn for people to move their cars. At least I didn't have to bother.

Equal Exchange is closed today because of the snow so I have the day off! It was a very nice surprise. Tiffiney is home too because her school is closed as well. (Vanessa is currently on a cross-country road trip with her boyfriend.)

Let's see... I had a good weekend! I spent Friday night at home with Tiffiney and Doug (her boyfriend) and we watched the first few episodes of the tv show "Heroes." We really liked it. On Saturday I did some laundry and then we watched more "Heroes." On Sunday, Tiffiney cooked us a delicious breakfast - ham, poached eggs and French toast. Then I headed into Cambridge to see a movie with my friend Jayme from work. We saw "The Diving Bell and the Butterfly." It is a French film based on a book (a true story) and actually it just won the Golden Globe for best foreign film. It was very inspiring.

Then I met up with one of Vanessa's friends, Emilee. We got dinner at a Mexican restaurant, had a cup of coffee and then went to see a movie. (Yes, that was two in one day for me - but I love films!) We saw "I'm Not There" - the movie based on Bob Dylan. It was definitely entertaining and interesting and made me want to know more about the real Bob Dylan.

All of the things I watched this weekend had themes of reinventing oneself. In some ways, I feel like I'm doing just that here in Boston. Every day is a new opportunity for reinvention.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

let's see is it weather reporting or movie reviews you do?? no, both I see...faces, places, weather and movie reviews.
hooray you still get snow days!! we're getting snow again but no snow day yet. love, dad