Friday, December 14, 2007

It's a little snowfall, not the apocalypse

Yesterday, I got to experience my first heavy snowfall in New England. It started snowing around 12pm and didn't stop until 9 pm. I think we have about a foot of snow, and apparently New Englanders aren't used to this because everyone was in a frenzy. (In true news-hype fashion, the Boston Herald is calling the storm the "NIGHTMARE BEFORE CHRISTMAS.") Our work holiday party was postponed until next week. Equal Exchange closed at 2 pm so that everyone could get home. It still took the van 2 hours (it normally takes 40 min.) to get to JP. During the ride, we played "20 Questions." We lasted about an hour and a half before we got sick of the game.

Six of us decided to go straight to the bar to celebrate our partial snow day. We only had to walk a few blocks to get to our destination, but it was quite the walk with so much snow on the ground and at that point, none of the sidewalks were cleared. We went to this really cute and cozy pub in JP that has a fireplace. We had a few rounds of drinks and then I headed back outside to face the snow. I'm not sure how long it took me to walk home (maybe 30 minutes), but I actually quite enjoyed it. I almost fell a few times when I walked over some icy spots but I managed to stay balanced.

Apparently Boston declared a "snow emergency" yesterday. It's just funny that a foot of snow is an emergency. But in a city, it is a lot harder to keep everything functioning with that much snow - and there just isn't really anyplace for the snow to go.

We're supposed to get a rain/sleet mix on Sunday, so that's going to make things even more interesting.

Hope you're all staying warm in Michigan (or wherever you are)...I hear the Midwest has gotten quite the snow/ice storm as well.

I feel like I have a lot of errands to run this weekend... and I think I'm going to take Monday off as my compensation day, so yay for a three-day weekend :)


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