I already found two roommates in Jamaica Plain (thanks to my friend, Stephanie), which is a neighborhood just outside of Boston. It's supposed to be a very artsy, bohemian, young professional type area, so I should fit in just fine.
So basically I'm just packing/organizing and saying my goodbyes for the next 10 days. It's an overwhelming task. You don't realize how much stuff and how many friends you have until you're faced with leaving it all.
I said goodbye to East Lansing on Monday. It definitely felt like a chapter was ending, but I'm ready for the next. I spent my first evening back in Richland at my friend Betsy's house on Gull Lake. There was a beautiful sunset, so it was a great welcome home.
This weekend, I'm traveling up north to my friend Lindsay's cottage, before she leaves for France (she'll be there most the year). I'm going with my BFF, Molly (the one I studied abroad with). It should be a great last hurrah.
Well, that's it for now. Start planning your trip to Boston to visit me!!
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