Tuesday, February 17, 2009

All about me

Once again, I've been terrible about updating. First thing - a new edition of Equal Exchange's e-newsletter came out last week. I'm all over the issue; besides putting it together, I also wrote a few stories, so check out What's Brewing. Of particular interest might be my story about the vanpool I take to work each day. (If you'd like to receive the e-newsletter in your inbox every other month, sign up here.)

I spent 3 days last week helping out at the Grand Opening of the Equal Exchange Cafe in Boston. While we have lots of cafes in Boston that serve Equal Exchange coffee, this is our first cafe. Equal Exchange has one other tiny cafe in Seattle, connected to a grocery store. I took photos of the Grand Opening events - some of which were posted on our blog.

So basically I've been all over the internet the last week!

In other news, I decided to take a trip to visit the one-and-only Erin Symons in San Francisco in mid-April. I can't wait for that!

I hope you all had a lovely Valentine's Day.

Hugs and kisses,